Friday, August 09, 2013

Tweeting Forward

Alec Baldwin may get primetime show on MSNBC [More


What do you think MSNBC and all the raving, tolerant "progressives" would do if this had happened?
And no, of course that's not real and he doesn't have such an account-- it's one of my trademark crude Fauxtoshops, created to illustrate a point.

Because this did happen:
“[I’d] put my foot up your f---ing ass, George Stark, but I’m sure you’d dig it too much,” the actor tweeted shortly after the Daily Mail’s article was published. “I’m gonna find you George Stark, you toxic little queen, and I’m gonna f--k you … up.”
Additionally he called out to recruit “all my followers and beyond to straighten out this f---king little b--ch, George Stark.”
Oh, look, here's another Baldwin tweet:
One storm after another.... #GunControlNow
I guess that makes it all OK for Every Day is Opposite Day "progressives" to embrace him as one of their own, no matter what, whereas if somebody like a Ted Nugent says something they don't like, they scream for his head. Damned hypocrites.

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