Friday, September 06, 2013

About Those "Outside Special Interests"

It's OK if they're anti-gun. [More]

It's just those meddling rights advocates we need to show "courage to stand up to," right, Chickenp ... uh ... Hickenlooper?


Archer said...

Wait, so the CO recalls are "attempts to punish and intimidate"?

Pardon me for a second while I say: You're G-d-damned right they are!

Politicians claiming to be "Democrats" utterly failed to listen to the "will of the People" they claim to represent. This cannot stand, and all the other pols need to be put on notice. Piss off your constituents, get the boot.

You call that an "attempt to punish and intimidate," I call that "being kept accountable to your bosses."

Ned said...

For a clue on how voting works in the National Republik Ameriikka start here:

Nevermind, folks. Ignore the little man behind the curtain. Everything's fine in the Good Ole USA.

In fact, the USA is such a bastion of honest voting, The USA send ballot watchers to Third World countries.

Too bad it's likely to try to discover new and interesting way to reverse the actual vote.

sound of toilet flushing...