Tuesday, November 19, 2013

About Last Night...

The Council ultimately approved two of the resolutions — a safe firearm storage requirement and a ban on guns in establishments with liquor licenses — with amendments. Council members sent a third resolution, which would allow police seizure of guns in cases of suspected domestic abuse, back to the committee level for more fine-tuning. [More]
If you haven't been following this story, you can find out more here.

UPDATE: I just received the following statement from VTFSC:
The Vermont Federation of Sportsmen's Clubs opposes Burlington's politicized attack on the Vermont Sportsmen's Bill of Rights. This law went into effect in 1988 and has served this state well in providing a set of uniform laws regulating firearms and avoiding a confusing patchwork of conflicting ordinances.

Vermont's laws serve our state well, which is why this state is constantly one of the very safest states in this nation, as proven by our firearm related accident and crime rates. The Burlington City Council seeks to enact a politicized solution in search of a problem.

The state legislature passed this law correctly believing Vermonters are vastly law abiding, safe and peaceful, and willing to comply with the state's laws. The Burlington City Council's proposed ordinances would only defeat the state-wide legal uniformity provided by the Vermont Sportsmen's Bill of Rights, a law promoting effective citizen voluntary compliance.

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