Friday, November 01, 2013

Question for VA Gun Owners

How is it that McAwful has a lead? [More]

What have YOU PERSONALLY done to change that?


Anonymous said...

McAuliffe has the lead in part because voters like myself are unwilling to vote for a GOP candidate when the GOP has done everything it can to alienate fiscal conservatives. This time around I am voting for the Libertarian. Maybe when the GOP get's tired of loosing races they will change their loosing stance on social issues and just start focusing on being the party of small government. It hurts me to do this, but a change needs to happen and I thing the GOP deserves to loose until they do... and I'll likely have some of my rights hurt in that process, but I think it's worth it in the long run.

Anonymous said...

Contributed to the VCDL PAC to help fund Cuccinelli's campaign.