Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Couldn't Happen to a Nicer Guy

Maybe his problem is one of the bitter unloved wanting to avenge themselves on humanity. [More]

In re Sweetie, we know what she is and we've established the price.

These people will never understand that some have principles money can't buy. They're so used to surrounding themselves with "assets."


Robert Fowler said...

Zabel said Friday night, “Ms. Ferreyr needs medical help, and I hope she gets it.”

Oh, some hot water and a good disinfectant should be all she needs to get the lawyer off her hands.

GaryM said...

I can't find much fault with her comments regarding one of the lawyers “You should go to prison and get beat up and f - - ked in your f - - king a - -.” That about sums it up.