Monday, March 17, 2014

Securing the Blessings of Liberty

There has to be an identifiable person who is responsible for this decision. [More]

So name him or her. Forget "EPA" and "they."  We need to know precisely "who."  And "where."

It's past time for personal accountability for petty acts of bureaucratic tyranny.

After all, they're the ones who make it personal. They're the ones callously destroying lives with impunity.

1 comment:

MamaLiberty said...

This is really nothing new, of course. The EPA has been destroying private property rights in Wyoming as much as anywhere else for a long time. This particular episode simply got some publicity, and the property owner isn't willing to roll over. Any dispute involving water or water rights is a hot topic in Wyoming, and if he really did dam up flowing water, he's toast because even the locals will be against him.

Unless the Wyoming government (fat chance) takes this on and really fights the feds over it, the man will soon be bankrupt, as are all the rest of the EPA victims.