Friday, April 04, 2014


Anti-rights groups have decided to try and protest the April 5th pro-rights rally in Hartford, Connecticut. In doing so, they have taken to calling pro-rights groups ‘the KKK’, ‘bullies’, ‘intimidating’, ‘threatening police’ and other vulgar lies. In response, Connecticut Carry has launched a counter-protest using the same medium, Thunderclap. The goal is to beat the anti-rights groups at their own social media game while taking the high road.
I'm getting ready to head off to CT for tomorrow's event.  Before I go, here is today's Five Minute Activism task:

1. Go here and read.
2. Go here and do (what have I been saying about "social media"?)
3. Share this with others and urge them to do the same.


  1. Done. Also posted the press release and thunderclap link to the /r/progun

  2. Haha, most of their "social reach" is from Michael Moore...1.7 million out of 2.2 total. What does that say?


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