Wednesday, June 18, 2014

We're NOT the Only Ones Doggone Enough

“If I discharge my weapon in here,” he recalled thinking, “what are the odds I’m going to hit something or someone else?”
Instead of firing, he swung his handgun down and struck the dog on the head, prompting it to let go and run to a bedroom. [More]
Well good for you, and way to show outstanding judgment and coolness under extreme circumstances.

The kind of training described is way overdue and ought to be emulated.  Hell, it ought to be mandated.

[Via Mack H]

1 comment:

Mack said...

Totally agree about MANDATORY.


"With that in mind, Powers, who now oversees the department’s training academy, plans to make dog training mandatory for all recruits and optional for veteran officers."

Should be required for ALL officers.