Friday, January 23, 2015

You Must Make Do with Less... Jeff Greene can eke by on his. [More]

Need you ask?

When the hell are you Occupiers going to start eating these people?

[Via Florida Guy]   


black rifle said...

his Wikipedia profile has been updated ;)

Anonymous said...

geezus H. christ...

Ned said...

Didn't check it out yet - but let me guess:
"Jeff Greene is a one percenter - an oligarch who wants to keep what's his, while limiting the liberty, freedom and choices of the hoi polloi - through force if necessary. Jeff Greene has joined the club as a member of a long line of one percenters who is currently scared shitless of a global "French Revolution." He hopes to accomplish derailing that possibility by limiting access to freedom for the other 99%."

Or something like that.