Monday, February 09, 2015

Child demanding entrance to gallery captivates ‘Freedom Knocks’ activists

It was from this scene that a remarkable, unifying, charmingly captivating and inspirational act happened. A little girl, a six-year-old appropriately named Faith, came forward on her own, rapped on massive doors that dwarfed her, and cried “Freedom knocking!” to the delight and applause of all. [More]
Today's Gun Rights Examiner report takes a closer look at a group of good, freedom-loving Americans some would love to lock out of the conversation as well as the halls of power.  It might serve you well to see what they're like for yourself.

1 comment:

Oldfart said...

I rather imagine she was coached a bit. That's okay though; we have to use all the resources we have and a cute little girl is hard to bash, even for liberals.