Thursday, March 26, 2015

An Arsenal of Lies

Kurt takes on one of the big ones the antis are desperate to spread -- that there are really only a few gun owners with overflowing safes. [More]

Somebody ought to ask Bernie Horn about how college "gun control" clubs are getting more interested students than they can handle. Oh, wait...

Interesting "progressive" perspective, that if a group is a minority, you can deny them rights. Besides, if the minority is determined, do you really need more than, say, three percent...?


Mack said...

David, you miss the point of progressive civil rights activists.

Even if gun owners are a minority, they are not a Protected Class.

Of course, that could change ...

Anonymous said...

Hel! "Progressives" are even buying guns ... to protect themselves against - wait for it - Gun Owners!

You know - Opposite Day.
