Saturday, August 22, 2015

We're the Only Ones Extorting Enough

'Buy these or I take your car': Secret video shows officer pressuring driver during traffic stop to support police fundraiser [More]
Are there moral or legal reasons why a highwayman should not be instantly repelled using the necessary escalation of force, up to and including lethal?


Kent McManigal said...

No moral or ethical reasons.
They dream up their own "legal" reasons.
And the practical reason is that the Blue Line Gang is huge, insanely aggressive, and has a vast majority of the "public" fooled into believing they are the "good guys". They will destroy you for doing the right thing and ending one of their own badged vermin.

FedUp said...

Looks like he's selling indulgences, New Jersey style.

In this case, towing the car would be the appropriate thing to do, but if you give us $30, we'll let it go this time.

If there were no lawful basis for the threatened taking of the car, then by all means, just shoot him in the face.