Tuesday, September 01, 2015

Extinction Event

I just received the following breathless bit of fundraising hyperbole in an email:

There are no surprises on the survey itself, designed to elicit kneejerk agreement with the obvious, all the while adding to or validating the ILA email list and no doubt bringing in contributions. All the while they ignore an actual huge threat to "legal" recognition of RKBA members who limit their options to those defined by Fairfax will be facing -- because Wayne and Chris don't want to rock any boats and act like it's not part of that "single issue," you see...

Asserting "Your gun rights go extinct!" reinforces a narrative NRA relies on. That makes them the last, best hope to whom all turn. At least those who swallow it.

As for those who don't so limit their options, they're committed  to the proposition that their rights won't be extinct until they are. Such armed Americans will not go gentle into that good night.

They probably don't do online surveys, either.

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