Friday, November 06, 2015

We Demand

Recognition of our right to be presented with a path to citizenship/residency as the first priority of future immigration policy combined with interim deferment of all law-abiding Undocumented Americans against detention and deportation. [More]
Ah, so now we're "Undocumented Americans."

Thank goodness this doesn't have a thing to do with that "single issue," so we can still pass out "A" grades.

1 comment:

Archer said...

An "Undocumented American", being by definition in the country illegally (i.e. in violation of law), also by definition cannot be "law-abiding".

The two are mutually exclusive. Either they are here legally (with documentation), or they are here illegally, which precludes the "law-abiding" claim.

Not that I'd expect any on the Left to notice the distinction.