Friday, December 18, 2015

It's a Mystery to Me

According to, skoliosexual refers to “sexual attraction to non-binary identified individuals" or those who do not identify as cisgender.  [More]

Things sure are getting ... diverse.

Not that I'm out to make life more difficult for anyone who doesn't force things on me (or be shunned as a skoliophobe!), but I'm afraid I will never understand. They talk like communists, don't they? A lot of big words and invented agenda-advancing terms that are impossible for us poor workers and peasants to make heads or tails ... uh ... perhaps I need to find a different expression.

Say, you don't think anybody benefits from inventing and spreading confusion, do you?

I guess it boils down to do we need to spend tax money for special bathrooms, or just drill holes in the stalls?


anhourofwolves said...

Say, you don't think anybody benefits from inventing and spreading confusion, do you?

Oh I dunno...what say ye Yuri?

Anonymous said...

Nice idea, just VanderWerf every stall.