Tuesday, December 08, 2015

The Children of the One Percent

Anti-free speech demonstrators at one of America’s most vaunted universities ... [More]
I really don't need to say any more about our future anointed leaders, do I?

Except getting rid of the title "master" for administrative titles is one thing, but couldn't we press and demand that the degree title be eliminated as well? What horrors must that hate word evoke!

And come to think of it, how must the exclusionary "bachelor degree" make participants in polyamorous transspecies marriages feel?

Here -- as long as we're sympathizing, we might as well be fully cognizant of their kampf -- or at least of their parents'.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

'Anti Free Speach' demonstartors ...

Talk about "opposite day"

First they staple their mouths shut?

Ma Duse