Sunday, January 29, 2017

Chicago ‘Scholar’ Claims Militias Would Be ‘Toast’ if Resisting Military Coup

“If it were really a high-stakes situation where they thought their regime was at risk, they would’ve been toast,” Pearl’s advisor, University of Chicago law professor Tom Ginsburg assures him. [More]
So according to this "progressive" academic our guns are useless and resistance is futile...?


Henry said...

I got to the first two words — ‘Chicago scholar" — and decided the article wasn’t worth wasting the time to read.

David Codrea said...

Then I guess your comments aren't worth me wasting my time to post.

Jeffersonian said...

The servicemembers I know are happy to have knives removed from their backs after eight long years.

They're on our side.

Henry said...

Perhaps my comment was unclear. The phrase “Chicago scholar discusses militias” is like a giant four-word spoiler that the entire screed (his, not yours) will be the usual predictable pack of lies. Like the words “Harlequin Romance” on a book cover notifies you not to expect any astounding revelations within.