Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Kasich’s Renewed Betrayal Foreshadows Establishment GOP Retreat on Guns

In Kasich’s case, it was no surprise.  As a congressman, he was one of 46 Republican members who helped pass the 1994 semi-auto ban by a narrow 216-214 vote margin, putting him on a first-name basis with Bill Clinton.  Then, when running for governor and needing the votes, he “convinced” (a more than willing) NRA to change his “F” to an “A,” paying them back with “good” gun actions as long as he felt pandering to Ohio gun owners was in his political interests. [More]
Once a betrayer always a betrayer.


Mack said...

"Once a betrayer always a betrayer."

Well good of you to post this -- and write this over at OK -- your memory of John is better that mine.

Would you also describe him as a 'squish' or just a traitor?

Longbow said...

He's a fraud. He was always a RINO.