Tuesday, February 06, 2018

Maybe Black Lives DON'T Matter

At least to BLM. It's curious there's not a word on their website, Facebook page and Twitter feed about Edwin Jackson being killed by a twice-deported drunken Guatemalan.

Didnb;t he take a knee? Regardless, I guess their Marxist string-pullers decided whose lives matter more.

Overseeress Francine Dash  tries to divert the issue to "drunk driving."

This is what that Opposite Day "progressive" "Faith in Indiana" apparatchik is making excuses for and enabling more of. I'd have to reach deep inside to find sympathy were she to experience comparable lifelong agony.

Meanwhile, desperately seeking relevance, John Cougar Melonballs takes a knee.

You know what's funny?

While they're glorifying Mary J. Bilge's "Bold feminist statement," look at what Who.is finds automatic similarity to:

They hide behind a proxy. Be even funnier if the real site owner weren't even black.

1 comment:

Pat H. said...

There one less BLM member wasting oxygen now.
