Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Something Must Be Done!

1 injured in shooting near NSA HQ at Fort Meade [More]
There oughtta be a law!

[Via several of you]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Funny that. Many, many years ago I was about to graduate from a Maryland High School. One of the after-grad job possibilities at the time was to work in the NSA warehouse at Fort Meade (I took a "gap year" before gap years were cool!).

I still remember walking through the entrance-way on arrival. I remember vividly, because there were a number of armed guards at post, rifles and handguns at the ready, and a sign to the effect that the use of deadly force was authorized. And that's just what was plainly visible to the untrained eye. At that time, at least, NSA HQ was NOT some place one would consider attempting to breach on a whim.