Wednesday, March 28, 2018

Do As I Say

Rapper Vic Mensa, who performed at March for Our Lives, convicted of gun crime in 2017 [More]
Oh look: Another hoplocrite. And a hiphoplocrite at that.

Kind'a like Poop Dogg. Speaking of whom, why is @JokersWildTBS continuing to get a #MeToo pass on the guy?

Maybe that's a question for the top dogg.


rexxhead said...

In fairness, what he was convicted for was a mala prohibita offense that we would be protesting under any other circumstance.

David Codrea said...

In fairness, any gun owner who supports citizen disarmament edicts deserves the contempt and fate due a kapo.

Ned said...

Quislings always believe they'll be eaten last.