Thursday, March 01, 2018

DSM Shares Preference for Chinese Communist Propaganda over Bill of Rights

We could do this all day, but let’s stipulate that even knowing how the government and the “news” puppets it controls censor out information embarrassing to the regime, your chances of getting shot on the South Side of Chicago are greater than meeting a similar fate in Beijing. That said, if you’re more interested in your chances of getting crushed to death by government tanks or mowed down by machineguns, or bayoneted as you beg for your life with your body then burned and your blood hosed down the drain, then have Yu Ning’s masters got some human rights examples for you! [More]
Who better to template “progressive” U.S. efforts on than proven experts in both centralized “human rights” and the benefits of an unarmed citizenry?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, a day later and they still haven't posted MY comment, though others have been added since then. Perhaps it's because I made reference to their "Great Leap [backward]", during which they killed 45 million of their own people.