Monday, April 02, 2018

Close But No Cigar

I strongly support the right to bear arms.  I don’t care about or believe that garbage about a well-armed militia.  The Second Amendment was put in place and obtained its lofty position as the “Second Amendment” right behind the most essential amendment giving us free speech etc., etc., for a reason. [More]
First, you need to care about the "well regulated militia." The "garbage" part is the unfounded insistence that the right is "collective." But militia membership as a duty and a birthright is the main legal argument left for proving SCOTUS-reognized Founding intent that the people have a right to "arms supplied by themselves and of the kind in common use at the time [and] the Second Amendment guarantees the right to keep and bear … ordinary military equipment … that … could contribute to the common defense.”

Second, what's this "giving" presumption about?

[Via Sam Adams 1776]

1 comment:

Samuel Adams said...

As always, Dave gets it right and picked up on the problems with the linked article!