Friday, April 27, 2018

We're the Only Ones Importing Enough

LAPD Officer Arrested For Trying To Smuggle Immigrants Across Border [More]
We said "traffic cop," Mambasse, not "trafficking cop"...

Besides, I thought California LEOs weren't allowed to help the feds...

But what could be more"progressive"?

[via Schrödinger’s Pundit]


FedUp said...

We're the only ones sadistic enough...

So that's what they mean when a cop says he was merely following his training when he committed a criminal assault and battery?

Chas said...

Shaved Guevara with a badge. There's your future!
BTW, a Google search for "Shaved Guevara" brings up much about Che, but not one thing about the baby dyke from Parkland. Why is that? Oh, Google.