Thursday, May 17, 2018

Gun-Grabbers to Run with It In 3...2...1...

A jailed man who gave a statement in November to police and the FBI recalled a man he believed to be Paddock ...  a woman said she overheard a man she later said was Paddock ... The claims by those people and others could not be verified... [More]
Which, if you're the DSM, is all you need to come up with an hysterical headline like "Las Vegas gunman 'was a right-wing conspiracy theorist': Stephen Paddock ranted about Waco, Ruby Ridge, FEMA and thought the military was planning to 'kick down doors and confiscate guns', witnesses claim" and smear all principled RKBA  advocates, plus take attention off an "investigation" that has all the markings of a real "conspiracy" to stonewall and suppress.

Good luck getting the focus back on that now that we've got this manipulated redirect targeting skeptics and setting the stage for national "red flag" due-process evisceration.

[Via Dave Licht]

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