Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Evolved, Opposite Day 'Progressive'-Style

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Well, yeah. You don't want to make them cry.

Redefining terms is an old power-grab tactic.  But they have to go beyond that in their Opposite Day "inclusiveness" by excluding traditional definitions as "toxic."

Thus the only acceptable "male" is self-neutered. Until such time as the useful idiots become useless eaters...

[Via Steve T

1 comment:

Archer said...

As of this writing (~9:30 am PDT on 7/18), comments and likes/dislikes are back up.

People are reacting negatively (disliking) about twice as much as favorably, and the comments are ripping the film-makers a new one with the perfectly-reasonable argument that "masculinity" is not at all the same as "toxic masculinity" (if such exists), and should not be treated as if it is.

We'll see if they continue to allow comments and reactions.