Friday, August 17, 2018

Crying Wolf

WDFW resisted sending copter, sheriff to save woman treed by wolves [More]
Yeah, well, who is supposed to pay for her totally irresponsible lack of preparedness?

1 comment:

Elmo said...

Regarding her totally irresponsible lack of preparedness-
If I recall correctly, the treed woman was doing stream samples for the Forest Service. She was alone in known wolf habitat and Fish and Wildlife knew wolves had been in the area the day before she was there. Immediately after being rescued she was picked up at the airport and spirited away in a Forest Service rig by a Forest Service employee, which made the sheriffs department unable to interview her.

I could tell from the first story I read about this that the Forest Service had immediately gone into CYA mode about what had happened and who was responsible.

Besides, we all know wolves are really just cute and cuddly creatures that pose no threat to man. Or woman. /sarc