Monday, August 06, 2018


... the Oath Keepers, a white supremacist organization ... [More]
Demonstrably a lie. Not only can he produce no statements from the organization supporting that absurd and hateful libel, all one needs do is consult the longstanding Bylaws to see:
Section 8.02. Restrictions on Membership:
(b) No person who advocates, or has been or is a member, or associated with, any organization, formal or informal, that advocates discrimination, violence, or hatred toward any person based upon their race, nationality, creed, or color, shall be entitled to be a member or associate member.
Since this smears everyone involved with OK as a "white supremacist" and feeds a subversive meme perpetuated by SPLC, I wouldn't mind seeing a libel lawsuit over this -- not so much for a monetary settlement as for a court-ordered public apology that could be used in perpetuity whenever such baseless charges are made again.

1 comment:

FedUp said...

Black News?
Nothing racist about that name. (/sarc)