Monday, October 15, 2018

With Her?

"… who was an adult," Hillary said.  [More]
So are a lot of women in the #MeToo movement,especially those who say they were victimized by her pal Harvey.

And not one word about Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey, Leslie Millwee or Paula Jones, who was further denied her right to a fair hearing when Bill lied under oath.  Great job reporting there, "CBS News."

Hillary led the charge on deflecting that at the time by getting a critical mass to believe the impeachment was "about sex" instead of "about perjury" and "about obstructionof justice," and about denying a woman her fair day in court. When it served her purpose, she even "popularized" a new term for multiple women coming forward.

Anyone who chooses to dismiss this and still support Hillary is either suffering a delusional break from reality and/or they're evil. This twisted hag would let her perverted partner victimize a million of their daughters if it meant more power for her. And it appears her followers would defend that with more deflection.

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