Monday, November 12, 2018

About That Broward County 'Voter Fraud'

I've gotten a ton of email on this, more links than I can read let alone post here. Without being able to devote more time than I have to investigate, which I have no real ability to do anyway, I'm simply not qualified to challenge Rick Scott's monitors and can only point out the spokeswoman did qualify "at this time."


Henry said...

(Reused link bit you again.)

Chas said...

So, David, what is going on in Georgia and Florida? I don't know, but I do think that it has been described before, in 1984. This may be a shocking video, but it does date from 1984, but it might as well have been recorded today. The title, "Life During Wartime", does seem appropos of today, and you must admit, it is very entertaining:

Chas said...

Speaking of the neighborhood, David. Was this recorded in 1984, or today? The more things change, the less they remain the same, except when Democrats are involved, in which case, the change progresses, because progressives, and one day you wake up, and suddenly, like it or not, 1984 is today:
But it's really hip, so it's okay, right?

Anonymous said...

I'm in Miami-Dade, one county south of "ground zero" in the south east Florida recount fiasco. Based on what has come out so far leads me to say it would take a herculean effort in its own right to sift through that steaming pile of incompetence in order to find any actual fraud buried (hidden?) within it.

I think someone advised against ascribing to malice what can easily be explained by sheer stupidity.