Friday, January 04, 2019

Of Course You Realize This Means War

Here's the ballot measure they're trial-ballooning. Of special note:
"This Amendment recognizes the Florida National Guard and other organized police forces as the well-regulated militia of the State and authorizes them to keep and use military style weapons."
Here's the man behind the curtain.

"Stop the Killing." For "progressives," every day is Opposite Day.

Still, it's nice of the less self-controlled in the Totalitarian Lobby to occasionally give us a glimpse of what their more circumspect colleagues aren't ready to reveal yet.

Before I get too bent out of shape, I notice the main group behind this has been on Twitter since May and only has two followers.  Still, things can change rapidly with the right Astroturf interests backing you, so for now focus on more immediate threats but do be aware this exists and could grow into significance under the right circumstances.

Also see:

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