Wednesday, January 16, 2019

We're the Only Ones Off the Record Enough

“Why Doesn’t the FBI Videotape Interviews?” [More]
Who's the average accepted-by-the-prosection juror going to believe? Someone he's been conditioned to regard as a hero, or the slob who must have done something wrong or he wouldn't be here?

[Via Michael G]


jdege said...

After Martha Stewart was convicted of lying to the FBI, because of statements she made in an interview, I determined that if any federal agent ever wanted to ask me questions, they could do so in writing, and I would reply in writing, after consultation with my lawyer and examinations of whatever records I might have available to refresh my memory as to the events in question.

It's too easy, in conversation, to unintentionally create the wrong impression.

They can ask me what they want, but I'll answer only in writing to questions submitted in writing, after consultation with my lawyer.

Pat H. said...

I bought a digital recorder for the very real risk of an FBI interview, again. I will bring it with me, meeting them in my lawyer's office.