Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Johminny Cricket

"...I support instant background checks on the purchase of all guns to prevent convicted felons from obtaining them, but I do not support waiting periods or the registration of any firearm.” [More]
Well (may I call you "Stupid"?), then it's on you to explain why the National Institute of Justice in its Summary of Select Firearm Violence Prevention Strategies, admitted about "Universal Background Checks":
"Effectiveness depends on the ability to reduce straw purchasing, requiring gun registration..."
I know:

1 comment:

David Codrea said...

I think this belongs here:
Ya, or like here in Oregon, the "instant check" system just "delays", you for 6 months to a year. while waiting for information from "fill in the blank" state. It's the height of arrogant stupidity to think you can sit on your fat, affirmative action hired ass in front of a computer screen in Salem. and keep ANYONE from getting a gun. on How Could You Not be Inclusive of This?
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at 11:13 PM