Friday, March 08, 2019

And Leave the Driving to Us

"We're trying to drive states to create these laws with certain guidelines to make sure they actually work but to let the states deal with this issue but to incentivize them to do so," Graham told CNN. [More]
He knows the House'll pass it in a heartbeat. And then come back for more.

See, this is why we should always vote for Republicans, especially if they have the Fairfax seal of approval. After all, Lindsey's "committed to defending our Right to Keep and Bear Arms..."

What? Reciprocity? Hearing protection? While we had control?


They're testing how far they can betray gun owners yet still keep the desperation vote. What betrayal won't that bloc put up with?

That it may backfire has either not entered the turncoats' minds or else it has, and they've got their personal Big Club memberships secured.

What's funny is how many will still make excuses, and reserve their hostilities for those who point out they're being cheated on.

I know -- the perfect is the enemy of the good and politics is the art of the possible.

What's good about this, and what do those who counsel appeasement know about what's possible?

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