Tuesday, March 26, 2019

How to Sell Camel Dung

The NRA's playbook on mass shootings came to light during the course of a three-year undercover sting by Al Jazeera's Investigative Unit. Rodger Muller, an Australian undercover reporter who infiltrated the gun lobbies in the US and Australia, used a hidden camera to record a series of meetings between representatives of the NRA and One Nation in Washington, DC in September last year. [More]
"Investigative Unit ... undercover reporter ... infiltrated..."

Oooh! Professional!

And what did their "sting" actually reveal, aside from the Captain Obvious fact that professional PR teams have strategies and talking points that are fine-tuned based on effectiveness and exposing the weaknesses of the other side?

I'd be more interested in why Islamic propagandists financed by an Emir are so interested in disarming Americans, and what would happen if a U.S. journalist published reports in Qatar designed to turn citizens against their traditions and beliefs.

[Via Roger J]

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