Friday, May 03, 2019

The Hatest Generation

Washington Post: U.S. WWII Heroes Were Evil Because They Were ‘Racists’ [More]
My own observations support the conclusion that had most leftists been born in an earlier era they would have been quite happily oblivious slavery supporters.

[Via Michael G]


Anonymous said...

"In my World War II class recently, I had my students pore through the speeches and letters of British Prime Minister Winston Churchill from the years around the war’s start in 1939, searching for his basis for opposing the Nazis."

I would think that a college professor would know the difference between "pore" and "pour." The kids who paid to sit in his classes are due a refund.

Ed said...

The professor used "pore" correctly.

"ˈpȯr \
pored; poring
Definition of pore (Entry 1 of 2)
intransitive verb

1 : to gaze intently
2 : to read or study attentively —usually used with over
3 : to reflect or meditate steadily"

Henry said...

Anonymous: sorry, but your analysis is exactly backwards. Pore is the correct word.