Monday, June 24, 2019

It Depends Upon What the Meaning of the Word 'Reforming' Is

Save the Second Amendment – By Reforming the NRA [More]
That won't happen until a critical mass of influential voices join me in demanding Wayne LaPierre be fired and not replaced with a nominating committee crony.

As for focus point Goal 5:
Goal #5: Return to exclusive focus on Second Amendment issues.Have you ever seen Planned Parenthood advocating for immigration reform? Or the American Diabetes Association taking a stance on foreign policy? Does the National Education Association get involved with bit coin regulation? No, they don’t. That’s because they are single-issue organizations, and they focus their energy on that single issue. The NRA should do the same.
Bullshit. That's exactly the wrong advice. Immigration IS a Second Amendment issue.

Answer the damn challenge.

Seeing who their "Director of Media Relations" is and his past dismissal and retreat on this issue, this doesn't surprise me.  The guy's an apologist for Democrat gun-grabber supporting gun trainers, too.

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