Friday, August 23, 2019

And When You're Done with That, Those Toilets are Starting to Look Pretty Grody

Democratic lawmaker: Illegal immigrants needed to mow 'our beautiful lawns' [More]
What, you mean our symbols of colonialism?

Nice of our "progressive" political elites to assign your worth, right, brown people? And all you have to do for your golden ticket is serve them and vote for them. Until the day you rise up...

As for "jobs Americans won't do," those of us who did and used it to earn, learn and ready ourselves for something better have seen how Democrat policies discourage work, kill off entry-level jobs and breed dependency. On them.

Good thing our saviors assure us this has nothing to do with that "single issue."

And by the way, being a Deplorable, I mow my own damn lawn (and have to later today). It's good for me, body and soul.

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