Monday, August 26, 2019

Can We All Get Along?

Each side needs to approach the other not as adversaries but as partners in... [More]
In what? Tyranny? Genocide?

This is the second piece along these lines I recall seeing over the past several days -- perhaps this is the parroted narrative du jour. In any case, the demands for unconditional surrender don't seem to be getting any kinder and gentler.

These fools think they can have civil discourse with those who would rob them of their birthright with lethal, state-deployed force? And if you don't, you're obviously a "whack job" and not part of the "reasonable majority"?

The discussion isn't with the useful idiots anyway. It's directed to the evil minds with the not-so-hidden agenda.

These insulated "distinguished fellows" make the same fatal mistake the naive Groverians do -- assuming it is a mistake. Only lemmings would follow them off the cliffs of Kumbaya.

[Via bondmen]

1 comment:

Henry said...

WIth the exception of a single mouthy as*le, who made about 20% of the comments all by himeself, the comments ran 100% against the authors’ thesis. This article did not please their target readership.