Wednesday, August 14, 2019

She's Not the Only Only One Authorized Enough

Hennessy wrote the police departments’ testimony was relevant because of Healey’s own admission in filings that “the AG is not the only law enforcement officer” authorized to enforce the state’s assault weapons ban. [More]
No one is.

You gotta wonder at what point someone is going to stop skirting around the edges and go full bore for the militia purpose in their complaint.

[Via Michael G]

1 comment:

Henry said...

No one ever will. Massachusetts’ Overton Window has been moved so far to the left that it overlooks Lake Erie. This is the state that had it as firm legal precedent (Commonwealth v. Davis, 1976) that the Second Amendment did NOT apply to individuals. They maintained that stance right up until Heller, and then well past McDonald. Apparently, it’s the Bay State's habit to maintain unconstitutional law on the books until directly challenged (see their law against blasphemy, which is still “in force”).