Monday, August 19, 2019

The Weasel Whisperer

A Weasel Whisperer is similar to a Horse Whisperer except that they interpret the double speak of politicians.  In this case, we have Sen. Thom Tillis talking out of both sides of his mouth about what he calls ‘ERPOs’ so-called “red-flag” laws or what we lovingly call ‘Gun Confiscation SWATing’. [More]
Told ya 'bout this guy. Several times.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Once again, a moron LIBTARD talking head confuses The Bill of RIGHTS, with the fictitious Bill of Needs. Why these idiots are allowed to be on the media, spewing gibberish about subjects they obviously know NOTHING about, and given any kind of credibility is beyond me.