Monday, September 23, 2019

Of Course He Is

Pro-Second Amendment Columbine Survivor Gets Beto to Admit: I’m Open to Banning All Guns [More]
And these idiots support him.

[Via bondmen]

1 comment:

DDS said...

I'm actually OK with Beto believing what he believes and saying what he says. I don't agree with any of it, but I'm OK with him believing it and speaking his mind. What I'm not OK with is his belief that somehow the "Gun Confiscation Fairy" is going to leap on stage and render results that are dramatically better than the results already seen in the four bluest states: California, Connecticut, New York, and Maryland. They've all seen compliance rates in the 20% neighborhood. Thinking that compliance nationwide would somehow magically be higher than those four states have seen is simply foolish.

And there's no way I'm OK with that level of foolishness being anywhere near the Resolute Desk.