Tuesday, September 03, 2019

Opinion: Guns are America’s Dumbest Problem

Observable: The Daily Iowan Opinions Editor Elijah Helton is a moron. [More]

[Via Michael G]


Anonymous said...

Another genius that thinks the answer is fewer firearms, but never actually reaches the conclusion as to how to get there. Just spews little platitudes and then moves on.

Let me help you Elijah, it's called forced confiscation, which is carried out by ARMED traitors under the direction of tyrants. Since you are so smart and smug about stomping on the Constitutional Rights of innocent American citizens, I suggest you take point on any such operation to see how it actually works.

That burning sensation you feel in your torso and cranium would be the ammunition willingly given up by Patriots on the other side of the door.

David Codrea said...

This must belong here:

Elijah must be a real disappointment to Don and Charlotte. I know he is to me. Never would have guessed he would turn out such as this. on A Token 'Republican'
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Jack Burton
at 9:18 PM

JTag said...

David, this guy gives moron a bad name.

DDS said...

Remember the scene in "Jaws" where Chief Brody tells Captain Quint "You're going to need a bigger boat"?

If it ever comes to a general confiscation, Mr. Helton, "You're going to need more cops."

And if they never get the stones to try confiscation, they're never going to get more compliance for their schemes than they have so far in Maryland, California, Connecticut, or New York.

How does 20% success work for you, Mr. Helton?

What's that bugs? Oh yeah! Bugs says "What a maroon!"