Thursday, September 12, 2019

We're the Only Ones Off Roster Enough

What, nobody thought elitist exemptions would lead to corruption and abuse? Since when has that not been the rule, rather than the exception?

Like this:

Bastards. They'd put me and you away for life.

[Via Jess]


tsisageya said...

Oh but now I think I see that you are anti-law enforcement? Nevermind then.

tsisageya said...

If I'm wrong, please forgive me.

David Codrea said...

Which "laws"? How are they being "enforced"? I'm all for "supreme Law of the Land" enforcement and for Bill of Rights enforcement. But I'm afraid if you thought that means I am for "Only Ones" abuses, corruption, elite exemptions and a blue wall of silence when witnessing same, or "standard protocol" or "qualified immunity" as excuses for getting away with any of that, well, I'm just not your huckleberry.