Wednesday, October 02, 2019

Kapo Abdul-Jabbar

Despite being a gun owner myself, I fully support the Aurora group’s goals of promoting aggressive gun reform... [More]
Jabbering again, I see.

If I were an FFL and he came into my place, I'd tell him to get the hell out.


minute-man said...

So,.. the LIAR wrote:

"One can only imagine the intensity of the anger and frustration of the Aurora people to see seven years pass with very little change except the body count. So far in 2019 alone, as of Sept. 24, there have been 334 mass shootings (1.24 per day) with 377 dead and 1,347 injured. In just nine months."

334 mass shootings????? Or for once,
-was he counting all the MSM ignored 'home boys' in ShitCago?

Maximilian said...

The old "I support the Second Amendment, but" and everything before the 'but' is a lie argument.