Friday, January 17, 2020

Come into My Parlor Said the Spider to the Fly

Haley Joel has a bad feeling about the direction this is taking.

[Via Mack H]


Hypnogator said...

At Charlottesville, a wacko used a car to kill a "counter-demonstrator" so we must ban guns at the Richmond rally. Astounding logic.

The problem is, they have us in a double-bind. If there is no violence in Richmond, it'll be because Northam banned guns. If there is violence, even if it involves a vehicle or explosives, it'll prove Northam was right in banning guns. Unfortunately, Senator Chase is very perspicacious in her assessment of the situation.

Ramsey A. Bear said...

There's going to be a sniper team on every roof. If I was running the ground show I would put 20-30 men on the top of every roof also. Standing close and watching and listening. If it was me the first sniper who fires a shot would be pitched off the roof. Shortly followed by his spotter. If you're not as blood thirsty as I am you could just throw a $15K rifle off instead.

Anonymous said...

Ramsey A. Bear.....

Now there's a name we haven't seen in a while!