Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Sentence First — Verdict Afterwards

Domestic abusers are not law-abiding citizens, Governor. [More]
True. But in order to be called that, they have to be charged, tried and convicted, with full due process every step of the way. Otherwise, the system of justice respectful of rights that these weasels demand to be discarded has always presumed the accused to be innocent.

Where else do we stand things on their head, and for whom? And what would that do to equal protection?

How telling that the Kansas City Star Editorial Board is comprised of a bunch of totalitarian-minded and absurd red queens.

It doesn't matter what you call them: "Authorized Journalists," "real reporters," "Fourth Estate Fifth Columnists," the DSM...  the only question is how many are just useful idiots as opposed to willfully malignant.

[Via bondmen]

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