Friday, February 14, 2020

Where Do You Go to File a Red Flag Report Around Here, Anyway?

Biden fantasizes about beating up Trump during 'The View' interview: Just 'he and I in a room' [More]
That he's fantasizing is a subjective opinion. Wishing he could commit an act of violence in a high school setting adds to the creepiness of it all. Rational adults don't publicly express a desire to physically assault another human being, and to do so would be a crime of violence, as the only legitimate justification would be in self-defense. After all, haven't we seen before that hitting someone with your fist can prove fatal, and isn't threatening the life of the president a federal crime with an implied terrorist threat and crossing of state lines?

It's too bizarre that he would say that. It's not normal. This sounds to me like it would result in the kind of "extreme risk" Biden pledges to "end":
Incentivize state “extreme risk” laws. Extreme risk laws, also called “red flag” laws, enable family members or law enforcement officials to temporarily remove an individual’s access to firearms when that individual is in crisis and poses a danger to themselves or others. Biden will incentivize the adoption of these laws by giving states funds to implement them. And, he’ll direct the U.S. Department of Justice to issue best practices and offer technical assistance to states interested in enacting an extreme risk law.
What does the government advise us? If you see something, say something? Aren't we constantly being told that ignoring red flags enables violence to happen?

And this is the second time in as many years? Is this an obsession? "All kidding aside"?

It's incumbent on law enforcement to make sure he was just "fantasizing," and until they can investigate and ascertain, to remove those shotguns he advises we fire through doors and off balconies, and whatever other firearms he may possess.

Tell me they wouldn't investigate you and me if we publicly and repeatedly said we wanted time alone with any president so we could beat him into submission.


Anonymous said...

Maybe that is why the cultural Marxists are so obsessed with red flag type laws - bc they assume everyone else thinks the same way they do?

vintovka said...

Biden has been confused and saying more off-the-wall things than usual in this campaign. It reminds me of the early stage of my mom's Alzheimer's. I wonder when the Dem lairds are going to pull the plug on his candidacy, and who they will replace him with (not Sanders!) As far as Senile Uncle Joe's 2A support, it was never more than skin deep. The only thing you could count on with him was that doctors, lawyers, stock brokers and major Democrat donors could keep their expensive over-unders. The rest of us could make do with break open single shots.