Thursday, December 02, 2021

All the Warning Signs to Take Him In for Observation

 Ethan Crumbley, his parents had school meeting over ‘behavior’ just hours before attack [More]

There is no way his parents didn't know he couldn't be trusted without a custodian.

Now watch their denial and failure get exploited to disarm all those with family members who have "red flag" allegations against them.

[Via bondmen]

1 comment:

Henry said...

"Bouchard said school officials told investigators there was no record that Crumbley had ever been bullied, despite reports from other students that he had been targeted."

Watch for this to change, as classmates come forward with receipts, and we discover that the school has no records of this behavior because they wanted to avoid maintaining such records. My prediction is: Parkland all over again, except this time the people being sidetracked off the "school to prison pipeline" were his tormentors.