Thursday, March 10, 2005

Open Letter to "Rabbi" Eric H. Yoffie, President, Union of American Hebrew Congregations

In response to

Rabbi” Yoffie:

You are neither a master nor a teacher.

What a traitor to Jews and to all of humanity you are, calling for “gun control.” You are either evil or a fool.

You do not deserve the freedoms of this country, established in powder, steel and blood by armed citizens risking their lives, fortunes and sacred honor, to resist tyranny. In their wisdom, they codified our unalienable claim to the tools of self determination and defense on both a personal and a societal level by recognizing the right of the people to keep and bear arms, and by putting lawful infringement of this right off limits to government.

You are nothing but a genocide enabler. You make a mockery of the phrase “Never again.” The evil policies you endorse guarantee that mass murder of citizens by governments will indeed happen again.

The people of the Warsaw ghetto listened to false leaders like you until it was too late. The lesson taught by a small band with the courage not to listen shook the Third Reich to its core, and should have resounded with Jewish people forever.

I won’t waste my time trying to persuade you. If I had the slightest inkling that you are not an anti-defense fanatic, I would point you to Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership. If I thought it would make a bit of difference, I would urge you to obtain a copy of Innocents Betrayed. But I don’t believe you are redeemable.

So what I will do instead is warn people against you, that if they listen to you, they will be powerless to prevent this from happening to themselves or their loved ones.

People like me will NEVER disarm as long as we draw breath, so I leave you with one question: How many of us are you willing to have the state persecute, imprison or kill to enforce your will against us?

With disgust and contempt,

David Codrea